I'm going to ask the government for a grant to support my research...

Dec 12, 2010 16:08

I call it the I Actually Did Something With My Hair And You Keep Ruining It For Me phenomenon. It's when I do something out of the ordinary with my hair -- whether it be styled or just precariously clipped back with a bazillion bobby-pins to keep it out of my eyes -- and my husband decides touching my head has suddenly become the most amazing, fascinating, rewarding sport EVER.

I think I've yelled at him a dozen times for upsetting the delicate half-can-of-hairspray-and-eight-bobby-pins balance I achieved this morning. My hair is twisted in impossible ways that I thought actually came out quite well considering the fact that I hadn't run a brush through it and it was before 9am, therefore I was still asleep.

After several incidents with pillows, one with a fuzzy blanket, a couple with his hands, and even a few with his stubbly head... I'm ready to inflict grievous bodily harm the next time he even looks my way. It's like my hair suddenly becomes a super-powered magnet when I do something different with it... Or maybe something flips in my husband and he instantly becomes hellbent on its destruction.

Either way, it's about to end badly for him.

blah blah blah, things no one cares about again, i am completely overrated, a post all about me

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