Because today I spam you all...

Oct 29, 2009 20:26

More fic!

This was written for d20yfx, who couldn't get her head round a gossip fic of her own. This is the expanded and tidied up version.

Mrs Figgis stiffened as she saw who had walked into the shop, and she gave Mrs Hodges a significant look. Neither said anything, just watched the short blonde elf peruse the goods. If she was aware of their disapproving expressions as she browsed the stand of ribbons she gave no indication, humming quietly to herself.

"Bored. Beer yet?" came a gruff voice from beside the door, and the two women gasped as they turned and saw the figure standing there. The elf put down the ribbon she'd been distractedly toying with.

"What? Oh, yes, I suppose we can go have a drink. They don't have what I'm looking for anyway." The pair left the shop without so much as a glance for the women at the counter, who could barely contain themselves until the door closed behind them and they were out of earshot.

"Well, I never thought I'd see the like in my shop," said Mrs Figgis indignantly. "You know who that elf was, don't you?"

"Oh yes, that Norscan bit. The one who's walking out with the High Sheriff and doing who knows what with who knows how many other men!"

"That's the one. I wouldn't have her in here, but she's well-connected, as you can imagine, and business is business. I suppose if I didn't let her in those foreign upstarts that are running the faction these days would make sure business would stop and we'd all be out on our ears!"

Mrs Hodges nodded symathetically. "Oh, I know. And did you see what came in with her?"

"That awful wild-looking thing! Mind you, I have nothing against beastkin, of course, but... Did you see her?" Mrs Figgis looked almost unwell. "In a respectable shop like this. It's not some tavern! What will people say?"

"And wearing the Blue and Gold, I suppose you saw," said Mrs Hodges. "If my Edric was still alive he'd have something to say about that!"

"You'd have to wonder about who they're taking on there these days, wouldn't you?" Mrs Figgis said quickly, knowing how her friend could get when it came to reminiscncing about dear Edric, who as far as Mrs Figgis could see she'd barely been able to stand while he was alive.

"And she's a sergeant by her uniform, but she couldn't even talk properly! Did you hear? She sounded like some sort of savage!"

"Well, they're both from who knows where in the wilds of Norsca, savages sounds about right to me," Mrs Figgis said with a sniff.

"It's shocking what the world is coming to. I wonder sometimes if anyone has any standards any more," Mrs Hodges said disapprovingly.

"Well, you and I do, Etna. You and I do."

The women nodded in unison like a self-satisfied clockwork device, their metromomic beat the only one they thought should be marched to.

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