when you fall, you fall hard...

Jul 29, 2005 14:15

so I should be packing for michigan... I also should be going through my school stuff
but I'm not... more slacker mentality for me ladies and gentlemen!
so I stole this from my roomie, who stole this from jessy... who stole it from who? hee hee
so here we go.
EVERTHING is sooooo truthful yo!

1. smoked a cigarette - no
2. smoked a cigar - no
3. made out with a member of the same sex - totally... roomie don't lie, you can come clean now. hee hee. JK no
4. crashed a friend's car - hhahahahaha no
5. stolen a car - all the time, you know Wayne? yeah he's stolen... or NOT

6. been in love - yes, I think...
7. been dumped - let's not discuss this shall we?
8. shoplifted - once. I was a little kid and get this, stole lifesavers from a religious book store! hahahaha. I felt so bad I threw them away.
9. been fired - nope, I quit!
10. been in a fist fight - all the time, regular black eye girl. no but have wanted to... hehehe

11. snuck out of your house - hahahaha yes, you'd be surprised
12. had feelings for someone who didn't return them - yes
13. been arrested - close... VERY close... God was with me that day.
14. made out with a stranger - yuppers and it was fun!
15. gone on a blind date - sorta. We talked, but never saw eachother before... but again, let's not get into that

16. lied to a friend - I'm sorry guys, but yes, only to help you... haha
17. had a crush on a teacher - TOTALLY! And that Dr.Conti I had is pretty damn hot let me tell you
18. skipped school - hee hee it was a regular occurance there for a while
19. slept with a co-worker - lmao... if I was attracted to girls then maybe... haha
20. seen someone die - no, saw them the night before and I just knew then...

21. been on a plane - up on an airplane mirror my God to thee! Yes
22. thrown up in a bar - hahaha not yet...
23. taken painkillers - and yes, they are fun to take

24. love someone or miss someone right now - yeah actually:-(

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yeah... I wanna do that today

26. made a snow angel - number 2 on things to do with the snow. 1 being sledding, 3 being FOOTBALL with the Duq crew baby!
27. played dress up - yeah! it was fun! I get to dress up in a few weeks for a formal... hee hee
28. cheated while playing a game - yeah but then I felt bad...lol
29. been lonely - yuppers
30. fallen asleep at work/school - no, not me! NEVER! so I use to take naps when Laurie wasn't working and Tyrone and I were working the preschool room... we took shifts...hahahaha

31. used a fake id - no, I'm the one hwo'd get caught
32. felt an earthquake - no, but always wanted to
33. touched a snake - hee hee yeah, they are fun!

34. ran a red light - Stephies says not intentionally, I say I do them intentially!
35. been suspended from school - no, and don't plan on it

36. had detention - once, and I stayed and was told that I was STILL talking too much so she'd give me detention during detention... hahahaha
37. been in a car accident - yeah and don't like them... wait, does anyone actually like them?
38. hated the way you look - all the way baby... get my some liposuction and a body of a model and I'm set to go!
39. witnessed a crime - hahaha yeah. Normal drug deals, of course never caught, but still in all, dealing is a crime... sorry friends!
40. pole danced - hahahaha well, I sort of have to since that is my job and all...
ok, not really, but wouldn't that be fun to try?

41. been lost - yeah and I love it. Lizzy and I use to get into the car and try to get lost, but smehow I always knew where I was... lol
42. been to the opposite side of the country - when I was a wee small child yes
43. felt like dying - yeah but then I'd miss out on all the fun still to come!
44. cried yourself to sleep - yeah
45. played cops and robbers - hee hee... in bed? JK! I love cops and robbers... hey duq crew, can we play that at night sometime?

46. sang karaoke - no. I HATE Karaoke.
47. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - hmmm... yes, and got hurt from it and then was conmstantly reminded of my mistakes and not to do it again and it gets annoying and yes, I know better now.
48. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - ewwwie. Never... that's yuckies
49. caught a snowflake on your tongue - I don't know... probably.
50. kissed in the rain - yeah and it's my one favorite thing to do

51. sing in the shower - I have to or else I feel my shower or bath wasn't fully complete... lol
52. made love in a park - not sex... and not in just one park...lol
53. had a dream that you married someone - no, not that I know of...
54. glued your hand to something - hahahah stephie's super glue... lol too many fun stories with that
55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - all the time... JK. no

56. worn the opposite sex's clothes - yuppers and they are the best clothes to wear I think
57. been a cheerleader - Sit down, you're in for a shocker... Yes, I was a cheerleader once
58. sat on a roof top - no:-( but always wanted to
59. didn't take a shower for a week - that's a normal for me... lol. Actually, when I went camping we took one the whole week... but I wasn't stinky cause I did a sponge bath BY MY SELF KIDS!
60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yeah, I'm a dork

61. played 'chicken' - in the pool? no.
62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - hmmm I'm not too sure... I don't think so, but don't get any ideas
63. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - no

64. broken a bone - yeah... the broken foot that lasted five years... lol
65. been easily amused - my nickname... ok not really, but can you tell I'm easily amused by this survey? you give me a crayon, I'll be entertained for HOURS

66. laugh so hard you cry - oh yeah...
67. mooned/flashed someone - not someone, the whole neighborhood sounds more like it...
68. cheated on a test - yeah
69. forgotten someone's name - yeah, and that can be a bad thing
70. slept naked - totally! stephies, no more naked nights together:-(

71. gone skinny dipping in a pool - yeah baby!
72. been kicked out of your house - no
73. blacked out from drinking - no that's just depressing
74. played a prank on someone - oh yeah but many have played them on me... like the phone books in front of my door, the wallett and phone on the Exit sign... and SOOOOOOOOOO many more... oh man freshie year was so much fun...
75. gone to a late night movie - I don't remember... not a midnight one

76. made love to anything not human - so this one time... hahahahahaha. no, that's another way too sickening thing... where the HELL do people come up with these questions? lol
77. failed a class - dropped it before failing... I'm smart like that!
78. choked on something you're not supposed to eat - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours - no
80. cheated on a gf/bf - no

81. felt like killing someone - yes... but if I tell you who, I'll have to kill you;-)
82. ate a whole package of oreos - close... that's why I'm a fatty! lol
83. thrown strange objects - yeah... M&M's in a theater, wallets, sunglasses, um... also use to hit people with random objects like some little plastic stick I had this school year... we use to chase eachother and beat the hell out of davey with it...lol
84. thought about running away - younger, yes. older, yes
85. ran away - yeah but cam eback home about 10 minutes later.lol

86. did drugs - no, drugs are bad
87. had detention and did not attend it - no
88. yelled at parents - yeah and then I felt bad
89. made a parent cry - yeah
90. cried over someone - if someone says no to this, they have NO HEART! heartless bitches! I have cried much in my time...

91. been in a band - always wanted to be in one
92. owned more than 5 sharpies - hahaha I stole stephies' sharpies
93. dated more than 1 person at once - hahaha. I had date after date...
94. had a dog - yeah:-( my muggers:-(
95. had a cat - 4 once. no more kitties though:-( I miss them

96. owned an instrument - guitar baby!
97. had more than 25 sodas in one day - that's just sickening to think about... and I only drink diet... you'd be in a sugar coma if you drank regular...
98. broken a cd - one of mine was broken:-(
99. shot a gun - yeah a BB... but I want to be a police officer so I gotta learn sometime soon!
100. visit lj more than 5 times per day - oh yeah... when I'm really bored or am trying to put off things... lol
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