Goddamn. Do NOT fuck with the Doctor. He will fuck your shit up.
Martha continues to be made of awesomeness.
Points to Tennant for his performance as Smith, but all the angsting and moaning about opening the watch went on for far too long. I was yelling "SHUT UP AND OPEN THE WATCH ALREADY" about five minutes before Smith actually did. (To be fair I realize that from a character standpoint all the carrying on made sense -- the man was being asked to commit suicide, to give up a life of happiness and love, the human ideal of fulfillment, in order to bring back this strange, terrifying and lonely Doctor chap. As played, though, it was overly melodramatic and induced eye-rolling instead of tears.)
I knew it was the Doctor who went to the Family's spaceship -- Smith would have been, let's be frank, pissing himself -- but I still cheered when he caught the watch, put on the specs and told the Family to run.
Episode had way too many endings. We needed to know what he did to the Family, he needed to ask Joan along with him (and be turned down), and Little Timmy needed to be wrapped up, but I really could have done without seeing Little Timmy in the war and how his brush with the Time Lord saved him, and by the time the episode rolled around to Old Timmy at the war memorial, I started giggling helplessly at how far over the top the ending was. It really needed to end with the TARDIS disappearing and Little Timmy walking away.
So Martha "loves [the Doctor] to bits" but would rather he didn't know that. Hardly a surprise, but also rather sad and, er, Rose-like. Rose loved him and out of that love she promised him a forever she didn't have to give, but it's pretty much a given that he knew she loved him even before she outright said it in "Doomsday". Martha loves him and out of that love she agreed to suffer three months of hard work, hunger and humiliation -- and she doesn't even want him to know the real reason why.
Saxon count: None
Next week: Is the Doctor-lite episode. I hate "Love and Monsters" so we'll see how this one turns out.