Sep 18, 2008 01:17
Sorry about this, but I'm doing a friends cut. There are a few journals, you see, which I friended for fandom purposes a long time ago. Now I'm out of the fandoms and not in it for fandom posts, but I don't know the people behind the journals well enough to follow their real-life-related posts. So...yes.
However, I'm aware that I keep my journal friends-only and perhaps some of you who just got cut may still be interested in reading it. If so, please feel free to comment and I'll add you back, no problem. It's also quite possible I wildly mis-clicked and accidentally defriended my best friends or something because I am very, very clumsy. That is totally not the point of this. I am not going CRAZY AND DISOWNING PEOPLE like I have in the past :)
It's nothing personal, at all. Nobody I know in person has been cut (apart from the clumsiness thing mentioned above). Nobody I know substantially online has been cut. Chances are, the people I cut don't even know my name.