(no subject)

May 12, 2013 18:00

Wow, okay. I lost my post. A post that took me a half hour to type up because, hey, the backspace button skips back randomly and I end up losing some words I don't intend on deleting. Bah humbug. At least it was about tv. Right on.

Body of Proof It's a mercy killing. It was never all that great but this season has been painful
Happy Endings It was a fluffy show, but it never was my favourite. That said I'd love for another network to pick it up. Who snapped up Cougar Town?
Gossip Girl Ding Dong! The witch is dead!
30 Rock It was time for it to go, at least it went out on a high.
These weren't the only shows that I lost, but the others really were there more for noise than for anything else.

As for shows that made it:
Castle It really lost its footing but I feel like it might be coming back to normal. Hopefully it'll find its magic again in season six
HIMYM Honestly at this point I just want to know who the mother is.
The Mentalist \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ I have a strong feeling next season will be its last, but at least we'll get closure. Something I wasn't sure of during this season.
TVD At this point Rebekkah is my favourite, tell me Claire Holt will remain with this show and not go over to the Originals.
Community \o/ Even if it was a shell of its former self. God, NBC, get on your knees and beg Harmon to come back.
Parks and Recreation I'm pleased but not surprised it'll be back.

Aside from the backspace issue (WHICH IS STILL HAPPENING) LJ doesn't seem to be loading comments or images very well for me. In short:

To make all better, have some Girls Generation:

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tech issues, tv shows, lj, youtube

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