(no subject)

Aug 05, 2007 00:58

My Harry Potter game is exploding this weekend. OMG. Voldemort had the Lestranges kidnap Ginny, then put a full-page ad in the Daily Prophet that said, "Harry Potter, I have someone that belongs to you, Lord Voldemort" and then Owls him a note with a date (this past Friday) and time, and a Portkey to the Lestrange house. Meanwhile, the Death Eaters are planning on assembling at the Lestrange house fifteen minutes after the time Voldemort told Harry, for a "celebration."

So Harry goes to rescue Ginny, and it doesn't go well. The Order managed to find out about it, so they portkey in, just in time to find Harry's dead body laid out on the dining room table, and all the Death Eaters arriving for their celebration. Huge hairy battle ensues. With, yes, holy crap, character deaths. _Player_ character deaths. Whoa. And Snape showing his colors and knocking out Lucius.

Then there's a thread for the Order folks returning to Grimmauld and getting a body count, and Narcissa and Parvati (who is married to Snape, long story) being worried wives at the Manor - how very Gone With the Wind - where Severus brings an unconscious Lucius (who Cissa of course initially thinks is dead, because he isn't moving), and Narcissa emotionally thanking Sev and making him feel guilty and uncomfortable (tee hee).

Saturday the Daily Prophet reports the death of Harry Potter, and so the character journals explode all over the place; Order folks going omg what do we do now? and Death Eaters and sympathizers going neener neener.

And on Sunday Lucius goes to Severus' house, because he _remembers_ it was him who threw the hex at him during the battle, and they fight and ONE OF THEM DOES NOT COME OUT ALIVE. My Cissa muse is _freaking_out_. Neither of the muns will tell anybody, not even us girls who are playing their wives. And I'm _terrified_. I was not even this wound-up about DH itself.

EDIT: Okay, so it looks like Luc is losing the popularity contest. *pout*

Edit the second: MY LUCIUS LIVES!!!!! But, oh god, Snape... Cissa and I will both miss him.

harry potter, malfoy love, game

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