Ha! My nails made it through Game night! That's one week in Round Two.
Also, we have shucked off the PitA Tremere and have even switched genres, back to 7th Sea! Yay! *happy dance* I shall be a Vendel pistol-wielding duelist ('cause it makes Jordan _much_ happier when we play out of our "comfort zones" so for me that means combat.
ktbee, for instance, was expressly forbidden from playing a sorceress, and my brother has become our social-skills face man - amidst much griping from him, but I think if he sucks it up and _tries_, he'll do fine). This will be a very nice break from the World of Darkness, which was getting _very_ onerous and depressing and out-of-character stress-inducing. Which are three things a game should never, _ever_ be.