(no subject)

Aug 07, 2006 11:04

This morning was _cold_. Like, low sixties cold (which is cold indeed for Sacramento in August). And windy. WTF?

Anyway, it reminded me exactly what time of year it was. Last year during the Hurricane Katrina kerfluffle, I remember hearing about all the families who had lost their homes and all their possessions, and it got me thinking about which of my possessions I would miss the most if it all were suddenly taken away from me. I happened to be thinking about this as I was working in Morgan's room, putting clothes away and folding blankets. And I realized that was it; Morgan has several hand-made afghans and blankets (as do I). Clothes, toys, furniture: all those can be replaced easily. But these blankets that were made by hand, with love in every stitch... I have long believed that when you give somebody something you made with your own hands - especially if it's something like a blanket, scarf, clothes, etc. - every time they wrap themselves in it, it's like they're being hugged by you. And while I'm sure the grey blankets I saw the Red Cross handing out were sufficient as far as keeping one warm, they just wouldn't calm the soul as much as something so personal and familiar as a hand-made one. And then I heard about the hospitals full of babies and children who were now orphaned, and that did it. Nobody deserves Handmade Hugs more than them. So I went down to Wal-Mart and bought several skeins of yarn and started crocheting.

So it's getting around to that time of year again, and I realized that - while hopefully not on as large a scale - the same thing could happen again somewhere else in the world. So I bought new yarn today and will start once again. I'm sure the Red Cross will be able to find babies who need to be Hugged.

handmade hugs, craft and sewing

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