Legacy challenge generation one

Dec 20, 2014 11:29

My first generation nest hatched today.

They gave me a three-egg nest, which I figured was pretty good odds of getting _something_ decent.

Alas, only one with a gene, and it's not my heir.

_But_, my heir is at least not a Mirror, and decent colors (his tert is white) which make him the handsomest of the lot imo, so that's a step in the right direction. I'm pretty sure I'd get more from exalting his brothers than selling them on the Auction House, so as soon as they grow up I'll level them and off they'll go to serve the Gladekeeper.

I'll keep Adam as a gene project. Lookit how neat he looks as a Skydancer!

But I think I'll sell Eve instead of trying to gene her up, too.

flight rising, dragons, legacy challenge

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