Sleepy Hollow episode 2 reaction

Sep 30, 2014 22:05

Bad Abraham! I said no wooj/coercion. Also I continue to be a little confused and a lot disappointed that Katrina's supposed to be such a powerful witch and yet she can't escape. Serilda _flew_ when they had her under the net, Katrina transported herself when the coven was closing in on her before Jeremy was born. Where's all that magic now? Come on, writers. You made her strong, let her be strong!

"You must be like him, in every way." ... and Headless grabs his axe. Oh shit, son. O_O

whew just a bad dream. Poor Ichabod.

"They've appointed a replacement for Captain Irving." :((((( do not like.

"You wouldn't remember, but I responded to a few of the calls when you were small." Yeah, that's not awkward at all, lady.

"We are gonna bring some sanity back to this town." Hmm, doesn't sound like she's going to be very cooperative with the whole 'we're fighting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' thing. Wonder what she thinks - or will think - of Ichabod.

So Katrina's engagement to Abraham was arranged for money. Still not sure how that works with her being a Quaker. Though, she's also a witch, so perhaps they were particularly liberal Quakers ;)

Grr I do _not_ like the grumpyface Abbie's giving Ichabod for wanting to save Katrina (nor how the shippers will react).

"this text details Franklin's greatest experiment with death." so Franklin = Frankenstein??

"We're talking about raising a monster." yeeeah I'm with Abbie on that one. This plan is bad, Ichabod.

oh good, they didn't chuck the opening credits

And Jenny's in them now!!

ohhhh snap that's the house where Jeremy was born. Heebie jeebies. Is the hairbrush he's holding Katrina's?

"This Kindred is our best option." Dude, you got _both_ the Mills sisters against you.

IRVING!!!!! poor bb *smishes him*

I love Ichabod's little hand thing when he's uncomfortable. That's a great detail.

I also love it when he goes off on modern institutions (the bank, in this case).

Oh, new Sheriff lady, you are a great big pain in the ass. (arresting Jenny)

Make that an extra extra big pain in the ass. (committing Irving)

OOOOOOOOH WHAT IF SHE'S ONE OF THE EVIL WITCHES AND DOES IN FACT KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AND IS PUTTING UP AS MANY ROAD BLOCKS AS SHE CAN? She _is_ a Sleepy Hollow native, and she admittedly "jumped" at the opportunity presented by Irving's resignation and arrest. And she conveniently has history with Abbie, one of the Witnesses. I'm sure the baddies would have been keeping an eye out for their manifestation. And Abbie is connected to Ichabod through Jeremy (inadvertently) killing her ancestors. The baddies would definitely have been watching that bloodline. Hmmmmmm

Electricity? This really is Frankenstein's monster.

Hmm the button Abbie pushed is a Jerusalem cross.....

"Franklinstein's monster." Nice.

"They're coming to save you!" Man, John Noble smiling is so very disconcerting.

Ugh, Headless' dead eyes popping open will never not be creepy, even when I'm expecting it.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie" *dying of laugh*
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn! If your 'Kindred' starts sprouting tentacles and bat wings, y'all better run.
This makes me feel even worse about this plan.

Abraham in his redcoat uniform but with modern weapons is pretty fucking hot, I have to say.

"I'm not the witch in the family." bahaha

Awww Abraham wants so badly to believe Katrina. Her point is really really weak but he's just. so. desperate.

ok, turns out Kindred is badass. And I dig his short-hafted halberd thing, whatever the hell it is.

huh, Kindred left his fight with Headless to save Abbie from avatar!War. I'm not sure whether that level of sentience is a good thing or not.

STUPID CANDLE FLAME IN THE WAY OF THE KISS. Badly done, whoever is in charge of camera angles. Shippers want gifs!

"You are forever in my heart." *melts*

Kindred has more and more meat on his face each time we see him. I wonder what he's going to end up looking like. Abraham, 'cause it's his skull? (that would be weird) Or that body's - okay, neck's - original head and face? hmm

"I'm Henry Parrish, I'm Captain Irving's attorney." O_O doesn't Irving know who Henry is??

"...injunction against involuntary treatments." Okay, so maybe he's good for something.

OMG HE'S SIGNING IN BLOOD. And he didn't even read the contract.

No one ever reads the contract.

Shit is about to get so fucking bad for poor Irving.

sleepy hollow, television, spoilers, reaction post

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