Rain, rain, go away

Sep 29, 2009 10:12

It spat on me this morning as I was driving Morgan to school. Yick. Looks like silverflight will get her fallish weather. The news last night even said there was a possibility of snow in the mountains. WTF?

On the upside, maybe if it gets cold enough, kiwifruitbat will stop kicking off the blanket.

Went to the "soft opening" at Kohl's and got some crazy sales. We saved more money than we spent, how awesome is that? Got new jeans (what with the skinny jean craze I'd forgotten how nicely bootcut accentuates my hips. The yay of that is mitigated by the fact I had to get them in a "short" length. Boo) and some boots that are steampunky goodness, and random bits of jewelry because I've decided I'm going to get back into wearing it.

Morgan has lost _three_ teeth this month. Her teacher has a special cape one gets to wear when one loses a tooth, and also a chart where she writes the names of the kids who have lost teeth each month, so it's a BIG DEAL. Morgan's grin is so cute and snaggly now. Thank goodness it didn't start until _after_ school photos, though.

She's doing fantastically. We just got her first progress report and the teacher had nothing but glowing things to say about her. She even stays on task when the other kids are trying to distract her. Yay! She's got 100% on all her tests and homework so far (I don't remember having homework in kindergarten, do you?). But at least once a week, sometimes twice, we get an ouch report that she fell during recess or PE. She does run a little wonky. We got her new shoes, proper tennies instead of the sandals or slip-ins she'd been wearing, so hopefully that will help. If not it will definitely be something to bring up with her orthopedist next time we go in. In the meantime she's quite jazzed about her new Skechers (I also don't remember being brand-conscious in kindergarten. What's the world coming to?). She wants me to paint her fingernails dark purple, which I thought would not be okay with her school's dress code but turns out it's fine. Sigh.

morgan school, weather, shopping

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