(no subject)

Jan 02, 2009 21:31

At this point I'm so far behind on my Friends page I'm not sure I'll ever catch up.

Nightmare Circle was fantastic. I didn't get kidnapped or sacrificed, but I very nearly did get a permanent derangement. Next time, Gadget!

Mom flew in on New Year's eve after a hellacious day of airport delays. Poor thing. Alan and I went out with two of his friends that evening and had _fantastic_ Italian food for dinner and then went up to the roof of a hotel in the city and stood by the pool with champagne while we watched fireworks shot off from Sky Tower. You know, this southern hemisphere in winter thing is pretty darn cool.

The only downside of Mom being here now is that the sewing is ON. Apparently on New Year's day she was stressing and I guess I must have somehow picked that up because I declined to stay and play some quick and dirty D&D with our hosts and dariyan and told Alan that we really probably should head home earlier than the vague evening-ish time we'd given his folks and Mom as our ETA.

The vests for the groomsmen are shaping up nicely. I'm looking forward to allova being here on Monday so we can get her bodice attached to her skirt and finally see if reality matches up with the image I have in my head.

We met with the photographer this morning to talk about which pictures we wanted taken where. Everyone _assures_ me that it will brighten up by the wedding (as we want most of our bridal party shots taken outside and if the grass is even remotely wet there's no way that's happening in my dress).

Two weeks today. Suddenly it seems much more imminent now. Like, it was, "la de da, it's not til next month, everything is cool" and now it's like OMG INSERT BRIDEZILLA HERE.

Honestly, though, I have absolute faith that everything will indeed come together beautifully. I just don't like this frenzy as a deadline approaches. This is usually the point at which I decide whatever is in the offing will either happen or not and I go stick my head in the sand until it all blows over. Three guesses as to how well that mentality serves me in regards to school papers. Yeah.

Speaking of which, I wonder if grades are posted yet...

One week til trustme1013 flies in, whee!! And the next day Dad and Rew arrive, and promptly turn around and swan off to the South Island to have FUN while Mom and I and everyone else around us goes batshit. How dare they.

I've been helping Alan do the gardening around his folks' house, to help earn money for his ticket back to the States. Time is, of course, running out for him to be able to actually fly back with Morgan and me, but maybe we'll only have to wait a couple/few weeks for him. Nice as it would be not to _have_ to wait, considering the usual gap between our trips is three to six months, this doesn't sound too incredibly bad. In the meantime it's actually kind of nice to help him, especially as most of it involves weeding and raking pine needles and then burning the refuse. Mmm, smoke. And I love the sizzling sound when you put something green onto the fire and the water in it flashes to steam.

Morgan is having a gas. She loves going swimming every day, and is proving she has her father's skin by developing a shocking tan despite how much we slather her with sunblock. I'm quite jealous. I spent fifteen minutes watching her swim a couple days ago and now have a sunburn on my right shoulder and upper chest. *&%#(^$ Scandinavian complexion.

Oh, speaking of Morgan, the latest cuteness: Apparently she found the flashlight Mom had tried to hide from her to keep her from running down the batteries. Mom was telling us about this and said, "I tried to hide it from her, but..." an shook her head, looking at Morgan. Morgan looks puzzled and says, "Why were you hiding it from my butt?" :) Ah, homophones.

Tomorrow is the family trip to the beach (IN JANUARY!!!) and Sunday Alan and Morgan and Mom and I are going to faff around in Rotorua while fruitbat_mum is at a croquet tournament, so the hustle bustle of sewing and gardening will be pushed aside for a while. Mom could use the break, though it seem a little hard for her to relax what with worrying about Grandma back at home.

Alan would like to use his computer before we go to bed (the audacity!) so I'll scoot off now.

humor, wedding, craft and sewing, travel, family, alan, morgan

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