(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 19:07

Yesterday was a nice day of just lounging around the house, since fruitbat_mum needed her car. The downside was that it was too cold and overcast for Morgan to go swimming, which she was asking us to do _all_ day long. Also by ten o'clock Alan and I were horribly bored with being cooped up, but thulrandir and allova weren't up for company, so instead we took her suggestion and went out for a late dessert (wow, a date?!!). I really should cut that out because I have a wedding gown to fit into in a month.

This morning Alan and I met with the event coordinator at our reception site, then we came home and picked up Morgan, and got my costume for Nightmare Circle, and went to allova's to deliver a vintage dress I'd bought and then discovered was too small for me, but hopefully would be perfect for her, then went shoe shopping because Mommy needs tennies so she can go walking because she has a wedding gown to fit into in a month ;). All in all a nice, productive day.

Now tomorrow I'm off to Nightmare Circle where I will likely go insane and die. Tee hee.


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