Yeah, I'm not sleeping tonight

Dec 14, 2008 05:26

PSA: Don't try to do your laundry and pack all in one day.

I was quite happy to discover that an undergarment I already own will work perfectly with my wedding gown, so I don't need to buy another. Yay! Especially as it was seeming a difficult sort of thing to find.

One thing we did have to buy, though, was shoes, so Mom can hem my gown (ZOMG my gown, you guys, I can't wait to show it off!). So we went to the bridal store where we bought my _last_ gown, and we found some gorgeous shoes with a gorgeous price tag. $125. Yeah. Guess how much we paid for them? No really, guess.

$25. I shit you not. One of them was the floor model (which is odd because those are usually much smaller than my size 9 1/2 gunboats) so they were marked way down. Will require some breaking in and maybe moleskin to keep my heels from slipping. But wow. And the color matches my dress perfectly (a tricky proposition; you'd be surprised how many shades of "white" there are in the world). Also I have some _adorable_ eyelet ballet flats for the reception. I like them so much I was tempted just to wear them for the whole thing, but am vain and self-conscious about being short, especially next to my dad and Alan, so I'll take every extra few inches I can get.

Mom and I have chickened out and decided to buy the flower girl dresses in New Zealand instead of making them. I haven't been able to find a pattern I really like, and it's the wrong season here for the materials I want, too. Plus that just saved us, like, two or three days of sewing time. I was worried that the somewhat heavier material of the bridesmaid dresses wouldn't take a pleat very well, but it irons _beautifully_. We'll probably still set the pleats with vinegar just to be safe, but it's nothing like trying to press _my_ gown, whose seams would just not lay down at all.


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