(no subject)

Dec 09, 2008 23:33

On Wednesday my duet partner (Jim) and I performed our scene in Shakespeare class. It was the first day of performances and we chose to go first to get it out of the way. So we go up, do our thing as Benedick and Beatrice in the wake of the aborted wedding, and take our bows as the class applauded. Then as the claps died down there was this collective groan and some guy in the back of the room said, "Man, who wants to follow that?" :D The teacher then led a little bit of discussion and asked what stood out about the scene, and another guy said, "Just, the natural chemistry. It was... wow." And a girl (whom I later realized was in one of the groups to follow us that day) said, "It was really believable. Like, disgustingly good," and the guy who sits kitty-corner to me replied, "Yeah, thanks for setting the bar, guys." :D:D:D So then two more groups presented, both on DVD instead of in person, and yeeeah. Granted, it's a lit class, not theatre, and we aren't _really_ being graded on acting ability or the aesthetic value of our performances. But it's almost a week later and I still haven't stopped grinning about it. As we were standing up to leave class that day, Jim leaned over to me and said quietly, "You know, I feel bad for saying it, but I kind of loved that sound of dismay." Yes indeed. Man, I thought applause was intoxicating. I really miss theatre now.

Got my second essay in American Lit back today (also turned in late), and the teacher had "quibbles" at my representation of Columbus as some soulless, selfish materialist, but "Of all the 50A papers I've read this semester, this one stands out for its nice writing, its clarity of purpose and expression, and its compelling argument. Overall a very fine paper!" 14 out of 15 points. *is smug* Man, I wish she taught Composition!

glee, school

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