Book #20 - The Subtle Knife

Aug 30, 2008 14:35

The main reason for the huge gap since my last update is that I was struggling through this book here. Yep, a month plus. Bleh. For as much as I liked The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife just really didn't do it for me. I never really did get drawn into the story, and I only finished it because I was determined to do so. Now I feel the same sense of obligation to read the final book, but I'm not sure that's really a very good motivation to read anything. Folks who have read it, is it worth it? I know it's hardly fair to judge a trilogy by its second installment, so I'm at least willing to give it a try if I don't hear nothing but negative reviews.

Title: The Subtle Knife
Author: Philip Pullman
Pages: 326

20 / 24 books. 83% done!

reading, book challenge 2008

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