(no subject)

Sep 24, 2007 16:23

I have such a bizarre yen to do something crafty. Not, like, twirl-your-moustache-and-smirk kind of crafty, but like, crafts. Like, I want desperately to do some embroidery or cross-stitching. Apparently it has to be needlework, 'cause I've been feeling this way for about a week and every time I do, I look at the box containing my yarn for crocheting Handmade Hugs, and I just go, "eh, no." I blame Victorian fiction for filling my head with images of ladies sitting around in the parlor, chatting over needlework. Never mind that neither of the books I have read or am reading include any such scene, it's just the _feeling_ I get from them. Yarg, must find a project and then find a way to justify doing it. It will probably, therefore, end up being something Disney Princess-related, for Morgan's bedroom. Unless I can find a kit for something that will work in with the photo collage wall in my front room. Hmm.

craft and sewing, compulsion

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