"I love Morrissey more than you love Celine."

Dec 10, 2008 16:35

I have this lovely co-worker named Brooke. She just adores Celine Dion. Today I asked her how much she loves Celine after noticing her Celine Dion branded scarf. She then proceeded to show me her Celine Dion pyjama pants. Then I asked her if she would ever get a tattoo of Celine's face. She said she draws the line at "cutting oneself". I certainly don't. And I would rather have a tattoo of Morrissey's face on my face than wear Morrissey pyjama pants. (For the record, I own very few band shirts and Morrissey is one of them.)

Here's to a new Morrissey record. That's pretty much all I want for xmas.

Speaking of xmas, my boss wrote, "Secret Santa Y/N?" on the whiteboard today and I changed it to say "Secret Satan Y/N?". And no one was offended! Sweet. But seriously, when I was a Jehovah kid I used to tell kids at school about my Satan/Santa theory. I hope I ruined somebody's xmas way back when... Imagine: "Mom, today at school this girl told me that Santa and Satan are the same..."

I generally boycott xmas but today I couldn't help myself, I bought a holiday related gift for Jay... 25 litres of U-Brew amber ale. It'll be ready on the 27th... yay! Beerz!

secret satan, morrissey, xmas

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