Mar 08, 2004 20:35
So, today I went to work and left a half hour early, I came home and rented the movie Duplex with Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore. Pretty good. Talked to Patrick online. Been thinking alot about things lately.Things that have been happening lately - in my personal life i mean. yeah.... so another topic. Today apparently there was some naked man wrapped in paper towels on the WW bridge. He was carrying lighter fluid and threatening to set himself on fire then jump off committing suicide. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMMING TO? people are idiots sometimes. I know I can be. If you want to commit suicide why do it in a painful way, wait no, why do it at all. I just thought it was crazy. now for a happy topic. I had a blast Sunday night at a party at Michelle's house. I met some really cool people. Names not being mentioned with the fear that i was so drunk i got them wrong. Anyways going to go and find a snack now.