Parker's all about making people suffer. And presents. And cake.
So she's got a tiny one in a box from J, GoB, as wells as a pinkbox with a big shiny bow. "How old are you supposed to be again?" She grinned at Janet as she walked in. "Hi!"
"That's a far more complicated question than it ought to be," groaned Janet, flipping the covers off and sitting up, glaring at Parker as she tried to fix her hair. "Damn it, you let me hide out in Special Collections all last year on my birthday, couldn't you do that again this year?"
"Sadly, no. Neither of us get to go back there this year. So you'll just have to torment me in January." Parker settled on the end of the bed, and put both boxes down. "Cake, or prezzies? Prezzies, or cake? Or you could open one with each hand. Try to remember it's your Very Special Day, Janet, you can do stuff like that."
"Special?" Janet snorted and reached for the first box, unwrapping the paper. "Hah. I could probably get Idiot Boy to write either of us a pass if I really needed one, but that doesn't mean I won't harass you." She opened up the box. "Gorgeous shoes, though. Thank you."
Parker grinned unrepentantly. "You're welcome. High enough to make you look good without falling off them." She leaned back, and crossed her legs at the ankles. "How *is* Idiot Boy? Is he making you dinner, or taking you out tonight?"
"You know I've spent more years walking around in heels then you've been alive, right, Parker? Heels higher thna" asked Janet, sticking her tongue out at Parker as she set them aside and reached for the second package. "Well, after I made him suffer a lot for dropping his cell phone in the Nile and frying his hard drive out with desert sand, he's been pretty good. But, um--" She winced. "It's not like he can take me out, and honestly, I've been hoping he'd forget about my birthday."
"Not even just as a 'friend of the family', who knows your dear Uncle George?" Parker shook her head. "You should at least get good take-out out of this. You're going through the last of your second adolescence. You deserve sugar and candy for this." She grinned wickedly. "And how old are you today, anyway?"
"Uncle George would flip if he knew about Idiot Boy and I," said Janet, snickering. "And I am enjoying it. Except for the part where I'm hiding out in my room for the day." She rolled her eyes at Parker and sighed. "What age am I? What age do you want? Legally and physically, with time spent dead, or without time spent dead? I told you this was complicated."
Unphased, Parker said, "Time spent alive. Your age, minus time spent dead." Her lips twitched. "We can divide it by your physical age to get your emotional age at this moment, maybe?"
"Oh, sure, pick the most difficult one," said Janet. "And you don't have to be quite such a bitch about it. Time spent alive is about forty years. Give or take a few months."
"No, but it's fun. Happy birthday to you," Parker sang ultra-sweetly, warbling like Minnie Mouse. "Happy birthday tooooooo you." She opened the box with the cake in it, then reached out and lit the single candle with the lighter she retrieved from her purse. "Happpppppy biiiiiiirthday, Janet-who-looks-really-really-young-for-her-age, happy birthday tooooo youuuuu."
"I hate you an awful lot right now," said Janet, smiling wryly as she reached for the second present and opened it. She held up the gold pendant by the chain "An ankh, huh? Symbol of Isis." She looked a little self-satisfied. "I dissected her."
"Of course you do." Parker's grin didn't dim at Janet's statement, then she rolled her eyes. "It's supposed to be a symbol of life. But hey, souvenirs of past enemies are always good birthday presents too."
"Murray is a very wise as well as a very cute man." Parker handed over a fork from the bag, and dug one out for herself. "Make a wish. How old does the school supposedly think you are?"
So she's got a tiny one in a box from J, GoB, as wells as a pink box with a big shiny bow. "How old are you supposed to be again?" She grinned at Janet as she walked in. "Hi!"
Then she added, "And many more."
She put the necklace carefully back in its box and glanced around for the cake.
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