Jan 11, 2004 06:09
my g.p.a. is a 4.0 from last semester.
Probably not for long.
Already I am freaked about maintaining the g.p.a, and class doesn't even start until Tuesday!
This obsession has to end. stat.
Okay, but really my problem is most likely just that I need to make the outs.
Yep, I need to make the outs RIGHT NOW!
And, frankly, I am getting pissed at my image hosting site. 1asphost is cuntastic right now. All my pics say that hotlinking is not allowed. Bullshit. It did that for a day the other day, then fixed itself. It has been doing it for like three days in a row, now. It had just better fix its little self or I will kick it in the cunt.
Right in the cunt, I say!
I cannot believe all the emo music I have been listening to lately. I am not really ashamed to say that, either. Mostly because it is good emo.
Having TMJ is a bitch. If it doesn't go into hibernation or whatever soon, the cunt thing will happen to it as well. Yeah, that's right. Because my jaw hurts. I am tired of it popping out of socket for no fucking reason. And I am running out of Orudis.
I need to sleep. It's so late. So late, in fact, that most of you think that it is early...