With the Sock Madness over for me, and only a very intricate sock on the needles, I needed to return to Sprig. A simple stockinette is just the thing for post-dinner Netflix and chilled knitting.
I hadn't picked up this project since March 17th, when we took the progress photo below. The decreases were done, and the next instruction from the pattern was "knit straight for 13..." and in my head it translated to 13 centimeters -- but the pattern actually said ROUNDS.
The decreases look pretty perfect, and you can probably see why I was hesitant to continue straight down for 13 centimeters, because I'm already almost at my natural waistline, and 13 centimeters more would be far too much.
No wonder I left the project lying in a little bag while Sock Madness kicked off.
I picked it back up yesterday after some heel-dragging. It wasn't hard to find the project, it wasn't in an abominable state. It was simply a matter of pick it up and go. And my Gods, what a delight it was to have these spiffy HiyaHiya sharps in my hands again! I was off and flying!
So it's 13 rounds straight down, not 13 centimeters. And then we start increasing for the hips. I am chuffed to bits that I am working on this again, these Hiya Hiya needles are such a delight to work with, this yarn is so lush and lovely. I can't wait to see whether they have the Lana Grossa Cool Wool in my favourite colour green* for a cardigan as well.
*) It's the darkest one in
this palette.
ETA: They do!
Colour 2050.