Sticky charity post is now sticky
Rest of the information on the Queensland offers and charity: water are under the cut:
My Queensland flood auction offers are still open here: (this one closes on January 23, 11:59pm, Eastern Australian time)
and here: (closes Wednesday, January 26 at 11:59, Eastern Australian time)
And Adam has a new charity that he's involved with, according to the fansite. All the info is here: (you don't need to be a member of the fansite to read the entry; I checked - lol.)
Clean water is one of those basic rights that most of us take for granted, yet for so many, it's a daily struggle just to find water that's muddy and germ-laden.
So. I know there's a goal to meet a certain figure by Adam's birthday at the end of the month, and I know it'll be easily met, so I'm not following those numbers.
I DO want to do something, however, and once again, my own credit card mismanagement bites me in the ass, so once again, I offer fic for $. There's a charity thread at and my thread is here: On hooplamagnet: (same offer)
Because it is a moderated comm, I'll mirror the same offer here:
$5 for 500 word ficlets. I'll cap them (optimistically) at 10 but I'll write Adam/boy-of-your-choosing ;)
Donate the $ here: show me the ~evidence ;) and I'll write your fic. Er ... I have two big bangs to write, but, uh, let's say by April 30 you'll have your ficlet, if not before, because writing shorts inbetween writing longs is a good way to stay motivated.
tl;dr: donate $ to one of the charities above and I will write fic for you :)