(no subject)

Oct 13, 2004 11:20

Name: Victoria
Name Meaning: Victory
Name Origin: Latin
Number of Syllables: 4.00
Gender: Female

More interesting facts about the name Victoria:

Lucky Number: 7
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Primary Color: Violet (Funny, I'm knitting a scarf in that color)
Traits: Frequently possesses E.S.P. Extremely "psychic"; Introvert. Although s/he does not say much, s/he usually knows a great deal. Mysterious. Often interested in psychology, psychiatry, chemistry, and botany. Knowledgeable in astrology and all fields of the occult. Fond of fishing. Inclined to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots".

Hmmm not sure how true most of that is. :P
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