May 06, 2009 15:19
You may recall that in December I was having some anxiety over the idea of Dave moving in with us, mostly of the "I've only known him a month am I crazy??" variety. However, after receiving some very good and reasoned advice from various sources, we decided to go for it. As my dad put it, "I've spent my whole life making decisions like that one, and look where it got me...well, it could be worse, anyway!"
And so, Dave has been here for about four months...and I'm fabulously happy.
The worst thing about being single, for me, was this idea of total dependence...on oneself. Merely in the day-to-day. If I am hungry, I have to cook something. If the food is going to get eaten, I'm going to do that. If I need to go somewhere, I have to drive myself. There's no give and take, and no pleasure of sharing. Living so closely entwined with someone lifts so much of that weight from you, and even the giving part is full of happiness. Cooking dinner for someone, and doing his laundry, is way more fun. And having someone bring you breakfast in bed and then wrap himself back around you isn't so bad either.
For the record, he's the best boyfriend ever. He texts me in the morning to say he loves me, calls on his way home to ask if I need him to pick up groceries, and when we're working in different rooms stops by regularly for a kiss. That kind of constant contact isn't everybody's style, but it's mine and I love it.
Also, he talks to the bunnies: "I'm flattening your furry heads! What do you think about that? Do you love it so much??"
We need to find a phenomenal fellow for Cody, people!! One who likes to scold rabbits!