Title: Making a Living Out of Hope by casspeach
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: McCoy/Chekov
Categories: angst, (pre-story) slavery, hurt/comfort, AU, favorite
Length: 37,000 words
Warnings: dubcon, (pre-story) underage rape, (mostly implied) torture
While on shore leave, Leonard wins big in a poker tournament. His prize? Chekov.
I've had a
tough time with Star Trek Reboot fics of late, so I figured it was time to break out a story that I know I like. Making a Living Out of Hope is an emotionally powerful hurt/comfort story about Chekov recovering from several years in slavery and Leonard struggling to overcome his own past (read: divorce) and open up enough to love another person. It's a story that's heavy on the comfort, but with enough implied hurt for all of the payoffs to be deeply potent; the end result is one of the most consistently stirring fics I've read in a long time. As a bonus, you also have a crew that is at least as professional as in canon (which is to say: not very, but compared to fanon they are the epitome of professionalism) and the characterizations are universally excellent (especially Jim, who is charming and breezy, but still very good at his job).
I'd never considered a Chekov/McCoy pairing before this fic, but casspeach has thoroughly converted me with this wonderful story of overcoming obstacles and finding love. One of my most frequently reread of all of my favorites.
Making a Living Out of Hope