Title: The Magic of Deduction by TheShoelessOne
Fandom: Sherlock BBC (with a dash of canonical Harry Potter characters)
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Categories: angst, drama, friendship, suspense, crossover (sort of)
Length: 65,000 words
Warnings: n/a
In a world where John and Sherlock are wizards, there is still a Moriarty and the Game is still on. AKA John and Sherlock Do Hogwarts.
First, I want to note that this fic is tough to categorize, because while it's technically a crossover with the Harry Potter universe, the only Harry Potter characters to make an appearance are the teachers (and they get dramatically less face time than in the books). Thus I'm calling this a fusion with cameos.
Second, I want to announce that, after reading this fic and
The Best Revenge, I want more Hufflepuff fic. (Recs welcome.)
Preliminaries out of the way -- this was a great fic! I loved the way that John and Sherlock's relationship developed organically throughout their seven years of school, I loved the large cast of Sherlock characters who were used in unexpected but ultimately perfect ways, I loved Mycroft and Mummy, I loved that Irene and Moran were significant to the plot, and most of all I loved that John is a Hufflepuff, because Hufflepuffs rock.
There are a couple of issues in the fic: you know going in that Moriarty is the bad guy (hence the 'suspense' tag rather than the 'casefile' one) and the POV does drift a bit in places. Still, those are very minor quibbles with a fic that not only has a great plot and great characters, it also has one of the best friends-to-lovers romances I've ever read. Very entertaining and wonderfully satisfying.
The Magic of Deduction