Title: Odd Jobs Series by Betty and Emerald Woman
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Parker/Hardison, Parker/Hardison/Eliot
Categories: humor, case file, favorite
Length: ~18,000 words
Warnings: That rating is for one (IMO, over the top) scene of violence in The Cat-Burglar Job
When Parker decides that it's time to express her interest to Hardison, she goes to Eliot for help. (I'm so sorry, Eliot.)
The first story in this series, The Underwire Job, is far and away my favorite Leverage story of all time. Parker and Eliot are hysterical as they undertake the mission of Getting Hardison's Attention, especially Eliot, who is participating under protest (and, whenever possible, partially drunk). This story never fails to make me smile.
The other two stories in the series are also good, but not quite as flawless as The Underwire Job (I have to skip over that scene mentioned in the warning, as it makes me queasy, and House Rules is more a vignette than a story). Still, they're an enjoyable and satisfying extension of the universe and it's always fun to see the whole team go on a mission, as they do in The Cat-Burglar Job.
Odd Jobs Series