Title: Behavior Modification by bendingsignpost
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Categories: angst, romance (sort of), hurt/comfort(ish)
Length: ~23,700 words
Warnings: n/a
"Never theorize before possessing the facts. One inevitably twists the facts to suit the theory rather than the theory to suit the facts." Sherlock theorizes that he and John are dating, and starts ambushing John with handjobs. John is really, really confused. Whoops?
Fair warning, my summary makes this story seem a lot more fluffy and lighthearted than it really is. The reality is, Sherlock is a very messed up individual with absolutely no idea how human beings really interact. Since this story is from his POV, the end result is absolutely fascinating to read. I also love how the author portrays John through Sherlock's eyes -- his reactions all make sense, but you have to work your way backwards through Sherlock's filter before you really get what's going on.
There are a ton of asexual!Sherlock and sexual!John making it work stories out there, but this is one of the best (and not only because the story doesn't end on the ridiculous idea that John will okay with never having sex again). If you like stories that feature complicated relationship dynamics and/or negotiations, this is definitely the fic for you.
Behavior Modification