Another Thursday

May 06, 2004 18:06

So, this day is not going so hot. Firstly, I thought I was on time for my class today that I had a quiz in, but apparently my clock is an hour slow. So, I showed up an hour late and class was over. My friend Kriste even told me that it was an easy quiz.

Then I found out, I am locked out of my house cause I came over to apt 11 real quick and didn't bring my roommate must have come home, stayed for a few minutes, then left and locked the door. So now I am sitting at apt 11 all by myself.
I am by myself because when everyone was getting ready to go over to Jared and Jacobs place (some of aaron and his sisters friends), Kyle said that this was not a social event and basically was hinting that I was not invited. Kyle fucking hates me. And I don't even know why?
For those of you who don't know Kyle is Aaron's best friend who lives at apt 11 and sleeps in the closet. He is mean. I don't like him very much. I would however, if he showed me the tiniest bit of respect.

I also got told that I was disgusting and was accused of trying to set someone up with "an ugly chick." The "chick" happens to be one of my friends who is deffinetly not ugly, actually quite cute. But whatever, I guess that's his loss.

I also got made fun of for not knowing how to play chess. Well, I got to play my first game of chess today and I actually won. Even though it should be impossible for someone of my intellect to even learn anything, right Jeff?

I sure like to complain don't I? I guess I am just in a bad mood. Sorry everyone. Man I wish I had my pot, but it is unfortunately locked away in my apartment along with everything else that is cool. Ok enough complaining.
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