Dec 08, 2008 09:37
Let's see. Now that the fire storm of work has calmed down, I can update about the strange events of the past week or so.
I went home on Tuesday and got in later in the evening, but wound up spending a good amount of time with Will and mom. Wednesday, I have no idea what I did, but I'm sure it involved sleeping late. I think I made a pie. OH, no I remember, Mom and I drove over to Kimberly's to help her pack up the house since the mold remediation with the home owner's association is a piece of crap. I procurred a feather bed that would otherwise go in storage, and packed it up in a suitcase to bring home for our bed up here.
My dad's brother, my uncle Joe, was in town that week. We haven't seen him in a number of years, and I'm disappointed about that becasue he's a lot of fun. He was kind of a hidden i'm really glad he got to join us for thanksgiving.
Thursday I really didn't feel very good when I got up. Mom actually took me to the drug store because I was feeling so cruddy. Thanksgiving was nice, I totally stuffed myself as I am so prone to doing, then fell asleep on the sofa watching the marathon of Real Housewives of OC/NY/Atl. I woke up in time to change for everyone to come over for dessert. Kimberly and her parents and her grandmother came over, which was so great. I wish Chadd had been home, but it was okay because when I get to spend time with his grandparents, I can pretend they're really my grandparents instead. Not that I don't love my grandmother...but it's great to have a set of grandparents in town. Chadd's grandpa was pretty much leaning on me to lean on chadd to get married, which made me laugh. Whether or not that happens, we still consider each other to be family.
Friday I got up at some hour or another and basically bummed around the house. Mom and I went to the minute clinic at CVS and then ran some errands. I got some antibiotics from the great NP I saw. Friday night was Crash-O-Rama, which was hilarious an amazingly white trash as always. Figure 8 school bus races, crash derbies, dead car name it, they had it. Though my personal favorite was the boat trailer derby.
Saturday was not good, we woke up to go to the gun show, but will felt really sick. I got up and ran some errands, including picking up mom's birthday present. That night I went to church with Kimberly and her mom and got to see the bishop, which chadd says is not a big deal. I thought it was pretty cool, especially when he blessed me. Then I went over to Chadd's grandparents' house to help Kimberly pack up a huge back for Chadd with clothes, etc. that he needed up here.
Sunday is where things get exciting. I had planned to take a flight to Atlanta, then fly from Atlanta to DC, where I'd get in around 6, then pick up chadd around midnight. This was great until tornado watches and the like sprung up in the area. No big deal, my flight in Atlanta was also delayed, I should make my flight. We get to Atlanta after a really bad flight, then we sit on the runway for abotu 30 minutes. I literally see my flight leave without me. But because we're on the ground, we're "on time." Enter mia's irritation.
I go to get my new flight at the delta counter where I am told that no, my flight does not leave tonight for LAGUARDIA at 4:30...(i'd get in around 11 in DC)...but that it leaves for again, LAGUARDIA, at 4:30 TOMORROW (monday) and that since the weather isn't their fault, they won't give me a hotel room, but if I hurry and book a room, I can get one for 70 base price. great. an entire 24 hours in atlanta.
Well, this does not sit well with me. I call my dad, then I tell him I'll call him back, and I call Chadd. Chadd is in Atlanta with his dad. I propose a road trip--I'd rent a car, pick him up, and we'd drive somewhere, stay the night, then finish the drive the next day--stop somewhere if we like to do some sight seeing. He considers, accepts, and plans our trip to Charlotte, which is on our list of places to go. So I call my parents, they're okay with it, I rent a car at Hertz, and pick up Chadd and we drive on to Charlotte that night.
And now I need to go pick him up from Mercury. I'll continue later.