Jul 17, 2009 10:45
My summer job at Congreso is awesome and I'm taking lots of pic and will eventually put up a big post about our progress on Humanist Mom and link to it here. The only downside is that there is all this extra paperwork to deal with which came up after the program started and all us instructors are going a little crazy, but hey, what else is new in the world of independent teaching?
I'm also working 10 hours a week for HAGP for pay and volunteering extra hours too.
If we don't get an offer on the house by the end of July we're staying here for maybe another year or two. We have one couple who is maybe interested - will find out more later.
Pregnancy stuff: Well into my third trimester now so I feel worse every week. The kids catch me saying "ow" from baby kicks during class. Everyone seems to think that's cute except me, especially when I'm trying to sleep. Standing, sitting, or lying in any one position for much time starts to feel uncomfortable so I have to constantly move, but not move too much or too fast. Don't like to do any exercise since I can't seem to do anything for very long anyway. Trying to keep up some yoga and walking a lot. Happily - no more food issues which is awesome since I can rekindle my love affair with health food.
Despite being so insanely busy and physical limitations, I'm cooking regularly again. It seems like it would be just more work, but actually it destresses me lately. I get spurts like that. I read "The China Study" while on vacation and that combined with other things I've read convince me that a plant-based, whole foods diet high in variety and low in fat is the most superior for health. I've been having fun looking up and making up great vegan recipes. Here's my latest success story:
Sloppy Lentils (my version, modified from a recipe I found in the Vegetarian Slow Cooker):
-Cook a cup of dry lentils
-Stir fry one medium onion (chopped) in some low-sodieum soy sauce
-Add a can of diced tomatos (I used Trader Joe's fire-roasted ones which add some yummy hot spice) to the onions, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of chili powder. Stir in and simmer for 5 minutes.
-Blend the onion/tomato mixture in a blender
-Mix the sauce with the cooked lentils and serve with your favorite buns