Is this semester over...yet????

Apr 13, 2005 09:42

Ugh, I tell ya, I've had the most horrible two-three weeks ever. To tell you the truth, it's not getting any better. I'm so stressed to the limit, so many projects so little time. And when I feel like I can just relax, hang out w/friends, that's when I'm so sleepy and I'm asleep more than I'm awake. I think there's something wrong w/me medically in that dept. I hope not. I know the only way to find that out is through a blood test. I HATE needles. Last time I had a blood test, I passed out. Oh well, one good thing from that is they gave me chocolate when I came out of whatever, lol. It was weird though. I think it was junior year of high school, after they took the needle out, I could hear everything, but it was muffled and I couldn't see. I felt dead only I could hear things. I was like that for 10 min., finally they made me walk into a room and lay down on a bed, then I was fine. But yeah, here lately I've had to spend I don't know how many hours working on homework...I've been spending a lot of time in three diff. labs, it's crazy! So I've been eat, sleep, work mode and it's not fun. Plus my mind is on work mode too, not fun also. Class, homework, scheduling of when I'm gonna do things, internship for the summer...ugh, my life is all work lately. I'll just be glad when the semester's over and my life can be semi fun again. Sometimes I think here lately, things would be much easier right now if I wasn't single, but then I think...ugh, do I really want to think about guys right now??? They're nothing but trouble. Yet, I love them anyways, lol. Seriously, I think the only way I could really be happy right now is if this amazing guy, everything I want in a guy comes into my life and sweeps me off my feet. Um...yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. And it's really unfair w/the guys that do like me, I don't feel the same way and vice-versa. Oh well, it's life, what can I say? Ugh...I want to go back to high school, lol. Things were so much easier then. It's weird, they always say "college, the best years of your life". Yeah, college is great, but I miss high school. Call me crazy...yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking "duh, Janelle, you ARE crazy", but seriously, I had such a blast in high school. I wouldn't trade anything for the great times here at Western for anything, but it seemed I had more great times in high school. I don't know, it's probably just the stress talking, but still.

Ugh...nuff of that...So I had to go home last weekend, had an interview, but it was so nice being home. I felt free. No worries, no nothing. I probably shouldn't have stayed an extra night, but I did. It felt really good. I didn't hang out w/anyone, but that's okay. I went w/my mom to take Oreo to the vets, her ear was bothering her. Luckily it's just a huge ear wax build up and not anything more. So we have to give her medicine twice a day. Then I also went test driving w/my mom for a new car. The car was sorta meant for me, but I didn't like driving it. It's not a bad car, I'm just extremely picky on the feeling I have when I drive a particular car. It's funny. I can drive two cars, same make, same year, same everything, the only difference would be the serial number and I could like driving one car, but hate driving the other. Hehe, gosh, I'm so weird. Then Sat was "Spitting Image". I was so looking forward to it before hand, but once it was time to start, I was dreading it for some reason. I wasn't up for it. So I really didn't have the best time. But oh well, it was a good experience and we needed to do it. Hopefully next year I'll be really hyper for this thing, lol. I've decided I'm really not sure if I want to do steel band next year. I was "practicing" steel band w/KC last night after dinner, yeah, I got fed up, lol. Oh well, if I spend enough time outside of class practicing, I'm sure I'd be fine, but there's labs I gotta think about...grrr... Oh well, I still love every minute of it. I just wish I could be hanging out w/friends instead of working all the time. OH! But yeah, the car!!! So yeah, as most of you know who has seen my dad's car, it's time for the car to go bye bye. And I'm sure all of you know how badly I've been waiting for that day. Well, this is a start. My dad ended up buying the car we test drove Friday for himself. He's still driving the deer slayer until it dies, but at least we're one step closer of getting rid of it. Wow, that sounds so horrible, but it's the truth. Now we just have to work on me getting my convertible! Haha, that's a long shot, but it's nice to think about!

Plans: So tomorrow after jazz survey, I think on my way home I'm gonna swing by Argyle to scope out some cool areas for my pictures of KC, we're gonna shoot them Sunday, yay! I'm excited for that, it's gonna be fun! Then when I get home, we'll probably go out for dinner. Then who knows what I'll be doing after that. Friday, I'm going over to Sarah's at 5 so we can do girly stuff before formal and I guess Katie will be stopping by to join us for a bit. Then the guys will be picking us up at Sarah's probably at 7. Then Sat., I'll probably leave to come back here sometime in the afternoon. Who's up in the air. Then I should probably work on homework after I get back from Arygle on Sunday. Like I said, work work work...yuck! Okay, I think this is a long enough entry for ya!

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