Kung Fu Fighting

Jan 13, 2003 08:48

Probably the most bizarre moment this weekend was when Brad got up to sing karaoke (bizarre in and of itself) and turned to me sitting at a table with 8 others and dedicated his song "to his lovely girlfriend Janelle" then started singing "Kung Fu Fighting" including the "who-ha" part with a twist involving Karate Kid-like movements.

To elaborate on the weekend- Brad and I organized a bowling gathering which was our first attempt at socializing with other people (not counting his company holiday party and his sister's new years party). First, Emily, Brad and I went to Gardens of Salonica for tasty Greek food which furthered my intense desire to travel internationally. Then, off to the bowling alley in St. Paul. We met up with Bob and Debra, a couple from Brad's work, Josh a cute sales rep at Brad's work whom I wanted to set my sister up with, Chris and Heidi, a couple from my work and Phoebe, a friend of Emily's. Fun Times. The first round of bowling (are they rounds?) I had the lowest score but had time to prove myself by bowling over 100 in the second game. As already mentioned, we moved the party into the bar to drink and sing karaoke after the bowling. My sister and I sang "Candy Everybody Wants" and "Cherry Cherry" which was a lot of fun.

Saturday was another good day because I volunteered at the American Swedish Institute and made Brad go with me since my sister had to work at The Limited. Volunteering with boyfriend is fun- I recommend it. Saturday night was pretty laid back as I just laid around in a robe watching Sundance movies and eating pizza while Brad rubbed my crampy tummy.

Sunday was more relaxing but later went to Target and the grocery store, again with boyfriend. Didn't think it was possible to see too much of boyfriend until 5:00 pm rolled around- need Janelle time!! So, Brad went on his merry way and I put together my new bookcase and helped Emily pick out her "first day of work" outfit.

Better get to work- or better yet- get a mocha!
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