
Oct 08, 2008 20:27

I had a rather unusual dream, last night, or rather this morning. To preface it, I have to give a bit of family history. My father was an alcoholic, who entered recovery, became a counselor and saved kids lives. At one point, he spoke at my former Elementary School. He shared that, while I was attending that school (and Dad was actively drinking), I had told my teacher what was going on at home. She was embarrassed by it and changed the subject. It was 5 years before I reached out for help again. His story really drove home the fact that teachers need to be able to talk with students about alcoholism and that they need resources to refer children of alchoholics to. My Dad's agency became the resource for that school and things became a lot better for children of alcoholics who attended there.

So, this morning, I dreamed that I was visiting my old elementary school. Many of the teachers from my youth were still there, though always somewhere else in the building from where I was. I was aware of my father's speech to the teachers there in the past. Though I knew that my Father's speech was necessary and was a good thing, I very much wanted to find each of them and tell them, "While I was going to school here was the darkest time of my life. I just wanted you to know that school was the best part of my life and helped me to get through those hard times" (which is true).

It was a rather poignant dream and it has stayed with me, which is often a signal that I or someone else is trying to tell me something about my current situation or attitude. I haven't worked out what it means yet.
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