Mar 20, 2007 21:45
I have a fear of toads. Its quite extreme. This makes me feel like a lame girl, however I will most definately run and scream in the prescence of one. I can handle most other creatures; toads, no.
Toads and frogs are quite similar. Some frogs even look like toads. Some frogs are brown and bumpy, like toads. These frogs are also highly undesired. Green, silky, smooth frogs, however, are most welcome in my life. I start to ponder if its the toads that are the enemy, or is it, rather, the brown and the bumps.
I think I have to start thinking of "Frog and Toad", a story my mum read to be as a child.
Mister Frog and Mister Toad.. both a potential friend?