Writing Meme
1. What's your favorite pairing to write? Is this the same as your OTP?
I don't really have a favorite pairing, but I'm really proud of the interaction in my Meg/Dustfinger Inkheart fic.
2. Which is the strangest pairing you've written?
Probably the Raph/OC fic I started awhile back. Because even though I wasn't really into anthro, I still really wanted to write for Raph.
3. What pairing would you love to write but are afraid to and why?
I really want to write Morgan/Ried for Criminal Minds, but I find Ried's speech patterns daunting. It's hard to write like a genius when you aren't one. :)
4. What's your favorite piece of your own work and why?
Probably the J2 fic I'm working on. I'm taking my time, making sure it's finished before I begin posting. Also, it'll be beta'd, a first for me.
5. What's your least favorite piece of your own work and why?
I wrote a Joker/Barbara Gordon fic in 08 that began really well, then ended with some big plot holes. I just had trouble following through on that one.
6. Which piece of your writing most expresses what you believe to be your writing style?
Probably the later chapters of The Brilliant Light of Morning:
www.fanfiction.net/s/5305112/1/The_bBrilliant_b_bLight_b_of_bMorning_b. Even though I try to write clearly and succinctly, I've noticed I work best in a more stream-of-consciousness style. Despite several typos, I really like the feel of those later chapters.
7. Which piece of your writing do you believe to be most out of character with your writing style?
I think they're all pretty consistant.
8. Do you prefer to write for yourself or for other people?
Mostly I write for myself, but I've noticed that when I have a deadline, or a prompt to work with, I'm more motivated. I finished the Renegade Angels fic I did for the SPN fandom in like two days.
9. How do you feel about comments and constructive criticism?
Just fine, as long as the emphasis is on constructive criticism, not just bitching
10. Do you prefer to write slash/het/both/everything? Is this the same as what you like to read?
I used to only write het, and now I almost only write slash. I'm not sure what changed. I think because I have a fulfilling sex life, I prefer to write about what I'm attracted to, which is men. :)