(no subject)

May 24, 2010 21:06

I was feeling crafty... well more organizational than anything today. I made this sunglasses holder today! All I did was buy fabric, an old picture frame from a thrift store, and cork board. I glued the cork board to the picture that was in the frame(some boring old farmhouse painting). then stapled and taped the fabric to that. I did the same with the ribbon. probably not the most "legit" crafting I've ever done. But I don't have all kinds of supplies, and it was probably faster to staple and tape then wait for glue to dry. It was a first time test kind of thing anyway! Next time I should probably do a step by step type of post, but I didn't do this for blogging purposes. It's a really great way to get this stuff off of a surface to free up more space! It definitely cleans things up a lot!
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