I can't see why you'd want to live here

Jun 13, 2008 10:32

I can't see why you'd want to live here
Originally uploaded by wildjenga182 i got some film developed yesterday. Actually I got it developed like a week ago, and the machine wouldn't print my photos. So I took my film and left, well they said I would get 50% off if i came and got them printed there. (walgreens) So I did, I need to save money. They were really nice & it was the same guy from before, I think he is semi slow though. Any ways I haven't figured out how to post a bunch of photos from flicker at once yet. I've done it before but I can't remember so I guess you will have to come to my flickr to see them. Just warning you they aren't anything special though, just screwing around on a Tuesday night with the last of my black and white film. Only one more roll left. :[
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