ponder this...

Feb 26, 2004 01:32

I don't understand why people lie. I mean I understand why if you are facing criminal charges, restriction from the parents, school excuses or...well really, I can't think of another good reason to lie. 1) If you feel you should lie, you probably shouldn't have done it in the first place. 2) If you lie to make yourself look better to someone, how are you going to explain the truth if that person ever finds out???? You'll look like an even bigger douche than if you had just told the truth. I may have old fashion morales cause I think honesty is the best policy. Seriously, the reason I was never in big trouble with my mom in high school was because I told her everything I was doing. The one time I lied to her, was the one time I ever got caught and the one time I was ever grounded. Amongst my friends, I could never lie to them. "No Brittany I didn't rip your gray pants" Well who the fuck does she think did? (disclaimer: brittany i did not rip your gray pants). And if Brittany ever found out it was me, wouldn't she be even more mad at me after she found out I lied about it? So not only did i ruin a favorite pair of pants, but I also betrayed our friendship. disclaimer: brittany i did not rip your gray pants.

I think liars are the people i despise the most. THERE IS NO POINT, besides the previously stated. And even then, if you get caught, you face WAY MORE TROUBLE COMIN YOUR WAY. Criminal charges: take example of President Bill Clinton. Granted, what he did was in no way ILLEGAL, but if he would have just said from the beginning that he "did have sexual relations" with monica lewinsky, he would not have been impeached. Parental Restriction: i dont even need to explain myself. School excuses: "I had a flat tire." No actually, you slept in. But even I never lied that bad. If i was late to school without an excuse I would either blame it on someone (haha, not really) or say that i was "sick". which is actually the truth because i was sick...of school. Cause what is the worst that would happen if the schools found out you lied about skipping one day? That's why they make you have doctor excuses and everything now. They can't trust anyone anymore...

anytime anyone has ever lied to me, I didn't care about the subject, I'm sure, and if I did, the truth and time would have healed all. I think lieing is a sign of betrayal and disloyalty and dishonesty (redundant). I trust you till the day you die unless you lie to me, even once. Then I can't trust you at all. I especially hate when people lie about STUPID stuff. It's like, I really don't CARE either way, just tell me the truth. i just want to scream at these people: IT DOESN'T MATTER! JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH! Yeah, top on my pet peeve list.

Don't even get me started on lieing in relationships. No...if i ever found out anyone lied to me that i have ever dated...no..it will not be pretty. (michael, you don't count. I'm sure you probably lied to me...a few times, but you're retarded, it was like 4 years ago and i love ya!) Now I may talk a lot of shit...about what I would do to people if this or that happened...but I'm dead serious about this shit. If i found out that any of my EXes ever lied to me, a serious lie, that the truth would have hurt me... I honestly would do one or all of many of things. I'm not even going to say what I have up my sleeve. Just if you're reading this, and we ever dated, and you ever lied to me about something SERIOUS, then you'd better run for the hills mother fucker!

In short, I think the world would be a much better place if everyone was just fucking honest! I HATE LIARS...i'm just in awe of the people that actually have the audacity to lie...Let me ask you this, WHY LIE? good night..i'm going to titusville...
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