who wants to be me

Jun 14, 2005 16:45

fuck. fuck. fuck. 90 year old teacher suprises me again with our final exam date. It's no longer Friday June 17th (the last day for semester B classes) It's now Wednesday June 15th. AKA Tomorrow. Which makes no sense, because as previously stated, the final day of the semester (also known as the day when finals take place, see "final day")is on friday the 17th. So I've basically got to read two entire books, each totaling over 300 pgs of the most boring material in zee world. Well really, that's a little exaggeration, because last time he SPRANG an exam on me, I had to read ten of the chapters from the book. so in all actuality, I only have to read the second halves of them both and review the stuff from the first halves. goddddd WHY CAN'T I JUST GO TO CLASS ON A DAILY BASIS LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE! Why is it that I get home and I say to myself "no. i can't go. i just can't." ????? Why is it that I have taken a day time nap and slept through the class. Why is it that I went to target or old navy or gap and spent money I shouldn't even be spending instead of going to class??? So to make matters worse, I also had to skip my second class tonight. I have a good reason for that, however my other reasons include updating my livejournal, cooking myself some dinner, watching tv for about an hour, then the only good reason for skipping my second class--studying for my final. Can I get a big

just. really. mad. but ya know what...I should learn something from my past away message. "Every sweet has its sour; every evil, its good." Emerson. Perhaps the good of this exam is that in the future I will pay more attention to my classes and actually go.....
but that sad thing is...we all know that's not true...I'm already skipping a class tonight...so obviously i haven't learned a single lesson...so I need a new "good" for this evil. Hmm....That if I get at least an 80% on the exam I will pass the class and never have to set foot in it again. And the fact that the exam is on Wednesday instead of Friday only means that I will finish the class sooner....YES! Sounds good to me...so lets all hope and pray and do what we do so that Jane gets that 80% to be DONE with it. A lesson learned will have to come later on, i suppose...either way...time to make the dinner or just walk around my apartment and procrasinate....

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