Feb 15, 2006 21:55
So I was talking to Hanna today, She was telling me about Superbowl Sunday. Apparently Our dearest Adam called her, completely trashed, and started telling her that I was getting mad at him for joining the army, and all I ever think about is myself, and I had been acting very "British" lately, then he said that he was done with me and I was a fucking Cunt.
The funny thing about this whole thing is that I could give a flying purple pigs gay ass fucking mother about whether or not Adam joins the army or navy or where ever the hell he is going. I mean I love the guy to death but he is so fucking dramatic about EVERYTHING!!!!!! I just never take him seriously anymore. I find it funny that I am only thinking about myself at the moment seeing as he hasn't talked to me in months, yes MONTHS. And someone please tell me...What the Hell is "being very British?" Adams never left the fucking West coast let alone the country how would he know how to be British? Oh wait...I get it. I speak properly, have manners, and realize that there is a whole world outside the United States...Damn Adam, I'd better stop acting British.
Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam...You poor delusional little boy.