Mar 23, 2007 18:49
Although I find it hard I'm now trying to go to a mother and toddler group on a friday morning .... it's hard cos I work til 10 on a thursday ... last night I was having my tea at 11pm!
so anyway ... this morning, prior to playgroup I got invited to Alastair's 'sharing assembly' - you only get to go to the ones that your child is doing something in. ... It was cool - a slide show of what they've done this week (investigating the draining of the fens) ... he even spoke on it - really cool as he finds that quite difficult. I was soooooooooooooooooooooo proud (and no - all the 'o's were on purpose! :-) )
we get to the end of the assembly .... the head teachers award .... it goes for a major achievement to just 1 child in each year group (ie- 60+). .... and as I listened I heard his name ... my face was beaming ..... and then .... what can I say ..... Charlotte (who counts as a 1/2 daughter - one of my best friend's little girl!) also got the award!!!!!!!! :-) :-) She's 5 and can be shy so to see her being so brave and joining Alastair and the 4 other children at the front of the stage!
I've smiled all day. I've smiled so hard that my face aches ... and I feel that the people on either side of me are just having to continue my smile on as it's too huge to be contained on one face.
The cool thing is that you wouldn't normally get to see your child get one of these awards as you wouldn't be there - and I got to see 2 (well 1 1/2!). If Charlotte's brother Nick had got one not only would the clapping hands have been over my head - there'd have been wolf whistles too!