Frozen - two ways

Dec 27, 2013 12:06

I am SO glad that Seanan recommended the movie Frozen when she was at SFContario - I loved it and so did the friend who took me to it for my birthday a few weeks ago (I don't get around to posting often). Entertaining, positive movie with great characters - esp. the sisters but also Olaf and the reindeer! Why were there no Olaf toys to buy for Christmas?

And I was frozen for a couple of days before Christmas (we lost power Saturday night to Tuesday morning) - but the house warmed up fast when the power came back on. And I was also warmed by spending two days at my brother's farm with family and two of their friends I really enjoyed getting to know. I am so sorry that a few friends still have frozen houses from the ice storm, and hope they get re-connected today.

Our cats have now forgiven us for turning off the hot but we are never to do that again.
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