DAY 12. School has quickly been pickin` up the pace with work and all that other stuff. Routines are coming back. And so are school year memories. In the making, and in the rememberance. Pre-AP english is a biotch with paperwork. The other night I spoke with
newsense about school systems and what not. We both agreed that paperwork and homework take up too much time and don`t exactly show what you`ve learned. We`d much rather go to school and be able to discuss things with others. I`d feel so much more comfortable doing that. I`d be able to get my points out quicker and open my views by hearing other students` opinions. Does anyone else understand this?
While on the subject of school, my first year at Ridgetop Junior High is pretty bomb. Even if there is more work and everything, the atmosphere I`m takin` in is phat as hell. Opposite of Fairview. Manang C (who used to drive me to school in the morning) has late arrival at Oly so I can`t get that ride anymore. I`ve turned to the good ol` walkin` and bussin` it. I just now realize how much I love the morning commute. The journey is so much more enjoyable than the destination, sometimes.
I saw an old loser from last year that lived by me so I just hopped on the bus with him. We were early so not everybody was on. Surprisingly, the genius boy got aboard. That funker lives hideously close to me. Along with other dude that`s in my Pre-AP class. It was hella great finding out they lived so close to me. All made a pact to work together on the hard ass class if any of us needed help. That`s a damn ass SCORE, yo. I`m hella glad I got connections to a genius.
In second period, basically all we did was sit around and listen to Bob Marley. Teacher is pretty cool with stuff. Left the room with the words "Everything is gonna be alright. Everything`s gonna be okay.." lingering in my head. Beauty. Mrs. Wilkies told me "Just breathe... Just breathe and the rest of the world will take care of itself". Beauty.
I talked to my counselor and we went over my highschool credits and all that other stuff. I need 10.5 to graduate. Next year I`ll be taking only the strictly required classes and hopefully I`ll make the cut to get into Olympic College for the running start program. This spring, I gotta take two placement tests, and my PSAT`s. The funny thing is, I don`t take all this stuff hella seriously. I`m making a game out of it.. I just wanna move at my own pace-- QUICK.
My older sister and I got into an arguement lastnight. I realize that I`ve said some harsh facts to her face, but I`m tired of having my whole family back away from her and not tell her the truth. I talked to my Momma about it lastnight and she knows what`s going on too. What my older sister is doing is far, far away from wrong. It`s damn ass hideous and downright dirty. She doesn`t appreciate a single ounce of what I`ve done for her these past two years. Babysitting RJ isn`t even the prime factor, either. She doesn`t realize what I`ve put off and what I`ve sacrificed. Hell, what can I do? Everything`s gonna be alright. Everything`s gonna be okay...