6 am! I tried to go to sleep, but I just ended up lying in bed for 6 hours. Sleep wouldn't come. So at about 6 I thought, "screw it, I gotta work in 2 hours anyway..." I don't know why I couldn't sleep. Just lay there waiting, and waiting...
Watched the first part of Prairie Giant last night. Can't wait for the conclusion tonight. They were making a big fuss in the paper because Keifer Sutherland didn't play his grandfather (he had time conflicts with 24). I'm kinda glad he wasn't in it. I don't think he could have played Tommy as well as Michel Theriault. Everyone would just see Keifer. Non the less, it's got an amazing cast... including R. H. Thomson! But eewww, Paul Gross plays Diefenbaker. Well, guess he has to play villains sometime.
I actually got a drawing done for a change. But it was a random, unplanned one, so I don't really feel I got anything accomplished. I'm not too happy with how it turned out.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/30289473/ Oh well, now I only have Tomo left...