Animation Show

Dec 20, 2011 22:11

Saturday I went to the Glenbow museum to see Watch Me Move: The Animation Show. It was really great! They had screens everywhere so you could see clips of different animations, both professional and amateur. Some were full length (mostly shorts) and some were just clips a few minutes long. Eg., they had one Japanese film that was 96 mins long, and they had a 4.5 min clip from Snow White and a 4.5 min clip from Pinocchio that ran in a loop. And it was all forms of animation, from traditional to CG, claymation to puppets, and everything in between. One room they had a bunch of curtains hanging down and they projected on them. They had the full short Vincent, clips from old Mickey shorts, clips from Tron, Sailor Moon, Bugs Bunny, South Park. There was the entire Gertie they Dinosaur right next to the T-Rex scene from Jurassic park! They even had an animation from 1892, 3 years before the first movie was made!

They had a few 'artifacts', such as the wererabbit puppet from Wallace and Gromet, cels and storyboards from Animal Farm, head sculpts from Toy Story 2, etc. There wasn't much though... I was hoping there would be more sketches and maquettes and such.

They had some amazing books in the giftshop, all of which I can buy online when I have some money. It was nice to look through them though, because one or 2 aren't as good as I thought they would be. And it helped me decide that a few are must haves (just can't afford $55 a book this close to Christmas). They also had a bunch of Tim Burton toys and a Donald Duck figure, which was awesome, but they wanted $65 for it!!! They had 3 lithos left. The show is almost at the end of it's run, so pickings were slim. 2 Snow White and 1 Toy Story, so I got a Snow White one. I was wearing my Snow White shirt and the girl asked me if I was a fan of the movie. I said Disney in general and she said her too, and that she'd bought almost every litho when they first got them.

That night we went to see the Nutcracker. I'll never get tired of it, expecially this production. The tree scene in the old one was better I think, but the rest of this one is perfect! The sets are amazing!!! I do miss the old Mother Gigogne scene, where she had a huge tent skirt and all the clowns came dancing out from under it, but the choreography in this version is great!

disney, disney: snow white, disney: pinocchio, x-mas, nutcracker, it's just my collection, tron

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