The CPO and Calgary Youth Orchestra. We counted 135 musicians.
It was amazing! Got to hear some wonderful music I've never heard before, got to watch the Tryzub Ukrainian dancers (who are just phenomenal), and got to hear Taras sing solo!!!! How awesome, incredible, brilliant.... I've been wanting to see him solo again for years. Only this time really counted, because the last time wasn't a real performance, it was a behind the scenes type thing. Usually he's got a smaller role and no where near enough stage time, so this was a real treat. He was only on stage about 24 minutes, but they were wonderful. It's been almost 2 years since I last saw him on stage, thank gods this time I only have another month... and then, who knows. Hopefully he gets his Vesolovsky cd done soon.
Dad surprised me with the Lion King music book, and the rest I got at Walmart. Been dying to get the solar light since I first heard about it (although pretty much anything with Mufasa is a must have). Love that it's bilingual, too. The pot was to cute to pass up, and the pot huggers are just adorable! Sadly I'm missing Zazu. They only had one of him, and his tail was snapped off. Hopefully I'll find him later.
Almost caught up on LJ, just a few more to go. I have more collection posts to come (some things I got before Vancouver), as well as one other vacation post before I can get to my Vancouver post (still waiting on some pictures anyway). And that's about it for now... I need to go to bed.
P.S. I really hope those animator dolls don't sell out too fast. I narrowed down which ones I want first (which took a while), but I'm waiting on a bank transfer to go through... the rest'll have to wait till more paydays come.