coxsakie virus...?

Jun 22, 2007 14:13

should be called coxsuckie virus...wait...that's sound entirely more disgusting than i was going for. :)
anyways, coxsackie, or hand-foot-mouth disease is evil, especially, as i have found out this week, when one of the 2 who has it is also teething. the babies are irritable, cranky, extremely feverish (for a couple of days now, likely to go on for a couple more), won't eat, will hardly drink, and even though they are exhausted, they don't sleep well, which means of course that mommy doesn't sleep well.
i'm tired, unbelievably so. i'm just-got-home-from-the-hospital-after-a-c-section-and-have-a-newborn-who-won't-sleep-all-night-because-he-must-nurse-and-be-held-constantly tired.
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